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2023-02-27 15:56     (点击:)





1. 国家xxxx,负责人。

2. 国家自然基金:结构光调制的喷雾场超分辨散射成像及其形态诊断研究,负责人。

3. 国家自然基金:基于扩展IPICD谱增强的呼出气溶胶微观特性测量及感染诊断研究 ,负责人(校内)。

4. 天津市自然科学重点基金项目,纳秒级光可编程电控光偏转器及其关键技术负责人。

5. 国家自然基金:基于干涉粒子成像(IPI)的直喷汽油机喷雾场微观特性测量及关键技术研究负责人。

6. 国家自然基金:纳(亚纳)秒级电控全息光交换技术的理论与关键技术研究负责人

7. 国家自然基金:海面溢油油膜厚度测量理论与关键技术研究负责人

8. 国家自然基金:基于数字像面全息和干涉成像技术的粒子尺寸速度测量研究负责人

9. 天津市自然基金一项:海面溢油油膜厚度测量关键技术研究负责人

10. 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室开放课题基于激光干涉粒子成像和数字全息实现直喷汽油机喷雾粒子场测量(K2011-10)”负责人

11. 瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室开放课题(中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所):高速电控光偏转器关键技术研究(SKLST201505)负责人

12. 国家863计划机载投弃式海上溢油油膜厚度测量技术,参与人(4

13. 国家重点基金:大场景目标纹理特征的中远距离、高分辨率三维测量与定位研究研究经费,参与人(2

14. 国家科技重大专项:高分辨率单色器,参与人。


1. 2008年,LSA型激光喷雾粒度测试仪获天津市科学技术进步二等奖(排名4);

2. 2009《工程光学》精品课程的建设与改革国家级教学成果二等奖(排名6);

3. 2009《工程光学》精品课程的建设与改革天津市教学成果一等奖(排名6);

4. 2013《工程光学》国家精品共享课程建设(排名2);

5. 2020-2021年度天津市工程专业学位优秀指导教师奖


  1. Lu Qieni*, Liu Hao, Wang Huaying, Liu Taiyu, Song Tianhui, Fast and high-accuracy detection and evaluation of particle size and location from a linear interferogram, Appl. Opt., 2022, 61(25):7482-7489.

  2. 何剑涛,吕且妮*,张明娣,戴海涛,付宜凯,陈小鹏,基于SPR和干涉模式复合增强窄带钙钛矿光电探测器,中国激光,2022, 49(23):2304004-2.(封面文章)

  3. Qieni Lu*, Miaomiao Zhang, Mingdi Zhang, Haitao Dai, Xiangguo Ma, Localization of a Gaussian beam in an electrically tunable curved Airy channel in a paraelectric Mn:KLTN crystal, Opt. Lett., 46, 11, 2021, 2610-2613.

  4. Zhang Mingdi, Lu Qieni*, Wang Changlei, Dai Haitao, He Jiantao, Mohamed Z, Chen Xiaopeng, Baozhen Ge, High-performance and stability bifacial flexible self-powered perovskite photodetector by surface plasmon resonance and hydrophobic treatments, Organic Elerctron., 2021, 99: 106330.

  5. Qieni Lu*, Sina Zhuoma, Baozhen Ge, Qingguo Tian, Turbulent-degraded image restoration via improved principal component analysis method, J. Mod. Opt., 2021,68(17): 906-915.

  6. Qieni Lu*, Zixuan Li, Chunshuai Fu, Hao Liu, Simultaneous retrieval of particle size and refractive index by extended interferometric particle imaging technique, Opt. Express, 2020, 28(2):2192-2200.

  7. Yunpeng Li, Baozhen Ge, Qingguo Tian, Qieni Lu, Jianing Quan, Qibo Chen, and Lei Chen, EGOF-Net: epipolar guided optical flow network for unrectified stereo matching, Opt. Express, 2021, 29(11): 33874-33889.

  8. Mingdi Zhang, Qieni Lu*, Changlei Wang, Haitao Dai, Yongxiang Xue, Jiantao He, Baozhen Ge, Improving the performance of ultra-flexible perovskite photodetectors through cation engineering, J. Phys. D Appl. Phys., 2020, 53(23): 235107.

  9. Qieni Lu*, Xiaoxue Yu, Shiquan Shen, Ge Baozhen, Visualization of spatial distribution of the droplet size and velocity in flash boiling spray with extended glare-point imaging technique, Fuel, 2019, 242, 222-231.

  10. Qieni Lu*, Xiaoxue Yu, Jie Xu, Detection of particle position from a linear interferometric out-of-focus image, Opt. Laser Technol. 2019, 115, 81-89.

  11. Mingdi Zhang, Qieni Lu*, Jie Xu, Baozhen Ge, Localized surface plasmon resonance property of bi-layer split ring-rods, Results Phys., 2019,13: 102266.

  12. Lu Qieni*, Yu Xiaoxue, Ge Baozhen, Chen Tingting, Simultaneous location and size measurement of particles using extended glare-point imaging technique, Opt. Express, 2018, 26(2):1038-1048.

  13. Lu Qieni*, Li Bihua, Li Zhen, Ge Baozhen, Field-induced lifetime enhancement of photorefractive gratings in a Mn:Fe:KTN crystal, Opt. Lett., 2017, 42(13):2407-2410

  14. Lu Qieni*, Han Kan, Ge Baozhen, Wang Xiang, High-accuracy simultaneous measurement of particle size and location using interferometric out-of-focus imaging, Opt. Express, 2016, 24(15):16530-16543

  15. Lu Qieni*, Li Bihua, Dai Haitao, Ge Baozhen, Han Jinxin, In situ observation and monitoring of the dynamic behavior of field-induced photorefractive grating formation process with digital holographic microscopy, Opt. Mater. Express, 2016, 6(9):2991-3000.


1. 国家xxxx研究经费39万,时间:2020.01~2023.06,负责人。

2. 国家自然基金:结构光调制的喷雾场超分辨散射成像及其形态诊断研究,研究经费59万,时间2023.01~2026.12负责人。

3. 国家自然基金:基于扩展IPICD谱增强的呼出气溶胶微观特性测量及感染诊断研究 ,研究经费29万,时间2022.01~2025.12负责人校内)





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