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2020-05-08 14:19     (点击:)


Email: xue.wang@hebeu.edu.cn


1. 主要招生专业:光学工程

2. 主要研究方向:计算光学成像机器视觉


1. 2019年度河北省科学技术进步奖(奖励名称)二等奖奖励级别,加粗显示河北省科技进步二等奖排名第三


1.Fei Y.J., Wang X.J., Wang X., Xiong Y.Y., Feng K.A., The effect of additional methane during the annealing process on diamond nucleation on polished polycrystalline nickel substrate, Appl. Surf. Sci., 183173(2001).


2.Wang X.J., Li H.D., Fei Y.J., Wang X., Xiong Y.Y., Nie Y.X., Feng K.A., XRD and Raman study of vanadium oxide thin films deposited on fused silica substrates by RF magnetron sputtering, Appl. Surf. Sci; 177 8(2001) .


3. Fei Yun-jie, Wang Xue, Wang Xue-jin, Zhou Yu-Qing, Xiong Yan-Yun, and Feng Ke-An, Nucleation of diamond on silicon wafers using C60 in the hot filament chemical vapour deposition system, Chinese Physics, 11, 298(2002)


4. C. N. Kodituwakku, C. A. Burns, A. H. Said, H. Sinn, X. Wang, T. Gog, D. M. Casa, and M. Tuel,Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering studies of the organic semiconductor copper phthalocyanine, Physical Review B, 77, 125205(2008)


5. X. Wang, C. A. Burns, A. H. Said, C. N. Kodituwakku, Y. V. Shvydko, D. Casa, T. Gog, and P. M. Platzman, Evolution of a strongly correlated liquid with electronic density,Physical Review B, 81, 075104 (2010)

6. Wang W ,  Liu F ,  Wang X , et al. Study on electron temperature in an ablative pulsed plasma thruster by optical emission spectroscopy[J]. Epl, 2013, 101(5):55001.

7. 张红, 王学, 赵剑锋, et al. The binding energy of a hydrogenic impurity in self-assembled double quantum dots[J]. 中国物理:英文版, 2011(第12期):373-377.

8. Dong Zhao*, Wang Huaying, Wang Xue. Automatic filtering for zero-order and twin-image elimination in off-axis digital holography, Optical Engineering, 2019,58(2): 023112.

9. Wang Huaying, Dong Zhao*, Wang Xue, Lou Yuli, Xi Sixing. Phase compensation in digital holographic microscopy using a quantitative evaluation metric, Optics Communications, 2019, 430: 262-267.



1. 2019.01-2021.12. 血压无创连续检测系统的研究. 校级基金项目No.20190140346, 5万,项目负责人.

2. 2019.12-2020.06. 基于数字全息术的细胞高分辨检测技术的研究长惠生物科技有限公司合作项目10万,项目负责.




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地址: 河北工程大学36号楼  师德师风举报电话: 0310 - 3968796  电子邮件: lixueyuan@hebeu.edu.cn

版权所有: 河北工程大学6165cc金沙总站检测中心

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